Wednesday, January 7

Random Stuff

Karl saved up and got me this really cool camera off of eBay. I can't wait until it comes in. Maybe it will cause me to post more/better pictures on this blog and on Facebook. Now if we could just get a better computer so it was even easier!
Riley has now moved from headbanging to "That 70's Show" theme song and bending at the knees to any other music that she thinks is classy to moving her hands too. Now in a "Walk Like an Egyptian" motion she has added hand movement to her dances. As soon as I can catch this on video I will be sure to share. Normally, however, as soon as I get the video camera or phone out she immediately stops what she is doing and wants to see herself in action, even if I haven't gotten any action on there yet.
The Sit-n-Spin she got for Christmas from cousin Danielle, who thought "oh, this is a toy she won't grow out of immediately". She's already mastered it! I couldn't believe it because I didn't show her how to do it and she's only 16 months old. There's no way she could have known! I will admit to having "tried it out", you know, just to be sure it wasn't poisoness :) But, either way, it didn't work (they sure don't make things like I remember them when I was 10!) Well, I tried to get this on video also, I did manage about 10 seconds of recording before she realized what I was doing and got up :(
Her new thing is to turn on the loud music from the Sit-n-Spin then run across the room to Sing-n-Stage that Karl and I got her for X-mas and dance in the mirror. Then when the music FINALLY turns off, she runs back across the room and turns it back on and repeats the whole process. I have watched this go on for as long as 30 minutes! And it's not like the Sing-n-Stage doesn't have it's own music, I think she just prefers the music from the other toy.
Not much else going on in life right now, she takes up all of it, as it should be.

1 comment:

  1. That is too cute hon. Kids are pretty crafty and can usually figure things out themselves and quickly. Kiana has learned so much on her own without me having to teach her that she amazes me on a daily basis.

    I love that she's learning to dance on her own. Too cute. I can't wait to see some vids (when you can catch her in action). One thing I did when Kiana was smaller was just set up the camera (where she wont see it) and just let it record. Then later I'd go in and cut out all the boring crap and just keep the good stuff. It's the best way to record some great moments without the distraction. :)
